Okay, I'll be more direct. I believe the answer to your question is "No".

My previous posts actually do answer your question. The links explain what the dot is supposed to indicate and how it is supposed to be used. In other words, my apologies but your question does not seem to correlate to the purpose of the dot as explained within the reference materials.

I've not seen any mention in any articles, nor have I ever heard about the ink running as an indicator of undue stress meaning that a break is imminent. Hence, I supplied the resources that I believe explain what the dot is designed for.

The purpose of the dot is to show the angle of the grain as there is a tolerance of under 3 degrees for MLB usage.

Anyhow, I'll shut up now and leave you alone. If the size of the dot or the amount of run in the ink means anything, I'm sure if somebody knows they'll educate us.

Sorry for wasting your time.