I find it classless to throw at any player. I am a Yankees fan but if you throw at someone three times, you should of been thrown out of the game. I was happy that Sabathia didn't retaliate, but I will not be surprised if someone does in the next series. It was classless when Dempster did it, when Clemens did it, when Chamberlain does it and when Cole Hamels did it on Harper. I know its part of the game but I disagree with it. If you hate someone, strike him out and make him go 0 for 5.

Now if MLB players are upset with it, that is fine. I still don't think throwing at someone justifies it. If an NL pitcher uses a spitball and gets caught, is it justifiable that he must get thrown at. No.

The comment about the fans, that doesnt bother me. Fans cheer for anything. I remember when Michael Irvin was cheered after he hurt his neck in Philly.