ARod hit by pitch

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  • Jim65
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2013
    • 237

    Re: ARod hit by pitch

    If Dempster is so angry about players cheating, he should demand the union not defend players who use peds. Throwing at ARod accomplished nothing except getting himself suspended .


    • coxfan
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2009
      • 715

      Re: ARod hit by pitch

      Jim65 is correct, and some players and former players are urging similar approaches to give less support to PED users. Unfortunately, the union is legally bound by procedures inherited from previous MLBPA administrations; and those aren't easy to change.


      • slab0meat
        Senior Member
        • May 2010
        • 526

        Re: ARod hit by pitch

        So any pitcher that's been caught breaking the rules.. if a batter isn't happy with him for what he's done, can he just walk up to him and crack him in the ribs with his bat? The "unwritten rules", including beanballs being intentionally thrown, and often followed by another, are the biggest crock of shit around. Would that be ok, since the bat wasn't aimed at the pitcher's head? The justification for potentially injuring someone (minor or severely) is laughable. Have a problem with a guy that badly and need to confront him, but you need a hardball to do it with? Boy, that's being a real man.

        This is coming from a Yankees fan who has never liked Rodriguez. I also don't like the "unwritten rules", as said.

        And the others who are at home, suspended... that "they OWNED it" is laughable... more cheaters who got caught for their "mistakes" .. yep, some mistakes. Would any of them have "OWNED" it if they weren't caught, or kept on their merry cheating lives?


        • xpress34
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2648

          Re: ARod hit by pitch

          And now A-Rod is SUING his employer for Medical MalPractice claiming that the Yankees and their Team Doctor intentionally mislead him about his hip.

          This guy seriously lives in his own world and just wants to make his own life tougher in the Yankees Organization so he can whine and cry about how badly he's treated later.


          • ferro39
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 380

            Re: ARod hit by pitch

            "You don't throw at a guy four times. He violated every code in every way.''
            --CC Sabathia


            • ferro39
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 380

              Re: ARod hit by pitch

              and the yankees couldnt do anything to stand up for him because the HP umpire essentially neutered them by issuing warnings to both sides.

              they should actually be thanking dempster. 3 straight come-from-behind wins since his clown shoe antics.


              • Wrigley2010
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2010
                • 996

                Re: ARod hit by pitch

                Comparing a "bean ball" to being hit with a bat is absurd. I played baseball throughout my college years and I can tell you being hit with a baseball is no comparison to a bat.. poor metaphor. As for needing a "hardball" to confront Arod.. I guess Dempster could have just charged the plate and everyone would have considered him more of a "man" for doing so. I have to admit for the most part the opinions here shock me.


                • emann
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 904

                  Re: ARod hit by pitch

                  Originally posted by xpress34
                  And now A-Rod is SUING his employer for Medical MalPractice claiming that the Yankees and their Team Doctor intentionally mislead him about his hip.

                  This guy seriously lives in his own world and just wants to make his own life tougher in the Yankees Organization so he can whine and cry about how badly he's treated later.
                  I think the endgame here for Arod is to play full steam for the next month and see if he wins his appeal in the Nov/Dec, if not, I think he retires, never serves his suspension and sues for a settlement on his remaining contract based on the malpractice claim (and what he probably feels is some sort of collusion between MLB and the Yankees to get rid of him).

                  It would avoid the years of negative publcity if he gets on pace to break the HR record, avoids this traveling sideshow of booing & hate signs everywhere he goes, avoids having to serve a lengthy suspension and be expected to come back and play. He's 38, he's not getting the HOF no matter what records he holds, and 90% of the fans hate him—that's gotta be a harsh reality for someone with an Arod-sized ego.


                  • slab0meat
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2010
                    • 526

                    Re: ARod hit by pitch

                    Originally posted by Wrigley2010
                    Comparing a "bean ball" to being hit with a bat is absurd. I played baseball throughout my college years and I can tell you being hit with a baseball is no comparison to a bat.. poor metaphor. As for needing a "hardball" to confront Arod.. I guess Dempster could have just charged the plate and everyone would have considered him more of a "man" for doing so. I have to admit for the most part the opinions here shock me.
                    You're not the only one who's played, though I did not in college, so I guess that disqualifies my opinion. Bean balls (though not THIS one, obviously) break hands, jaws, noses, whatever. It's not some little kid is lobbing a baseball. It's a 80-something to 90-something MPH hard baseball. Just a minor bump or bruise, I guess, from the sounds of it.

                    You can say it's a poor analogy all you like, it's still an idiot doing what HE wants, even though the organization they both ultimately work for, the MLB, ALLOWS the guy to keep playing after the appeal. So, whether it's a ball, bat, or anything... he should just do what he feels like because he's not happy with Rodriguez? oooh, poor, poor, Dempster. Imagine if he put that much thought and effort into reducing his almost-5 ERA?


                    • Puig66
                      • Aug 2013
                      • 38

                      Re: ARod hit by pitch

                      Originally posted by Wrigley2010
                      When you repeatedly disgrace the game by cheating and lying the only one who should be called classless here is Arod. Look at it from Dempsters side. He's had a clean career and been a successful MLB pitcher in both the bullpen and as a starter. He is a veteran and someone who has always been held in high regard by his teammates and fellow players. How much better would his career numbers be if he had pitched on equal ground? What's it like for him to have to answer constant questions about steroids in baseball? What's it like for him to pitch to a guy he knows is cheating and should be suspended?

                      If someone disgraced your profession over and over again would you stand up or sit back and let it happen? Pitchers have been throwing at batters intentionally for longer than any of us can remember. It's part of the game whether we like it or not. He did not throw at his head which would have changed the entire look of this situation. He stood up for the game we all love while keeping within the boundaries of the rules of baseball... can't say that same for Arod.
                      I agree in every respect.

                      All I can add is my feelings about the steroid era. Obviously everyone is bothered by it. Just look at the discussion here for proof.

                      It will take years for the jury to be out on how to handle the cheating era. But in the meantime, I have to admit, there are a few guys I can't help but like that we all know cheated the game. And for that they will pay the ultimate price of never seeing Cooperstown. McGwire, Sosa, A-Rod, and Manny are all on my "like" list. There was just something about these guys and what they did that struck a cord in me. The personality aspect of it also comes into play. But in the end, they cheated the game. They tarnished the great records of past superstars who exhibited their skills on a mostly level playing field.

                      So if any of my guys mentioned above were at the plate today, and they got thrown at 4 times in a row until a nice bruise was left, so be it. That's the game of baseball, and I have no problem with it.


                      • xpress34
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 2648

                        Re: ARod hit by pitch

                        Originally posted by Puig66
                        But in the meantime, I have to admit, there are a few guys I can't help but like that we all know cheated the game. And for that they will pay the ultimate price of never seeing Cooperstown.

                        There was just something about these guys and what they did that struck a cord in me. The personality aspect of it also comes into play. But in the end, they cheated the game. They tarnished the great records of past superstars who exhibited their skills on a mostly level playing field.

                        So if any of my guys mentioned above were at the plate today, and they got thrown at 4 times in a row until a nice bruise was left, so be it. That's the game of baseball, and I have no problem with it.
                        I can concur with this, my guys are McGwire and Giambi.

                        The difference between them and the A-Roids, Sosas, Bonds, ManRam, etc are that McGwire and Giambi both were visibly upset and embarrassed by their mistakes and they both still treat fans with respect.

                        ARod, Bonds, Manny, etc like to deny, deny, deny and treat the fans like 2nd class citizens - and in Manny's case, show what a true coward looks like by running away instead of facing his 100 game suspension like a man.

                        Just my .02


                        • Puig66
                          • Aug 2013
                          • 38

                          Re: ARod hit by pitch

                          Originally posted by xpress34
                          I can concur with this, my guys are McGwire and Giambi.

                          The difference between them and the A-Roids, Sosas, Bonds, ManRam, etc are that McGwire and Giambi both were visibly upset and embarrassed by their mistakes and they both still treat fans with respect.

                          ARod, Bonds, Manny, etc like to deny, deny, deny and treat the fans like 2nd class citizens - and in Manny's case, show what a true coward looks like by running away instead of facing his 100 game suspension like a man.

                          Just my .02
                          In Manny's case, I don't believe he's in "denial" mode. He just claims to be a man of faith now, and avoids the issue as much as possible, addressing it with "I have made mistakes but have changed my ways" comments. So it's clear he's fessed up.

                          I also agree that McGwire and Giambi handled it all with much more class and dignity. I would even go as far as saying I completely forgive McGwire. The pain displayed in his "confession speech" when he came out on his own accord and offered that he had used steroids his whole career, was a powerful statement about the man himself.

                          If anyone of these guys were to squeak in the back door at Cooperstown, I would say McGwire would lead the possibilities. It would be a statement, a "check" for character. There are other "cheaters" who were far more talented than the one-dimensional McGwire (Bonds for one, but I don't see ANY quality, other than obvious raw talent, that makes Bonds worthy of enshrinement. He was despicable to his core, completely void of conscience in his only goal to cheat the most hallowed record in baseball).

                          That said, I don't see that happening. The bouncer at the back door is a WHOLE lot bigger than Mark in his prime. The nameplate on his jacket reads "Respect D. Game". Some things can be forgiven. But they should never be rewarded.



                          • cjclong
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2006
                            • 936

                            Re: ARod hit by pitch

                            If Dempster is so upset about players who are accused of using banned substances who else on the list has he thrown at? He could probably plunk someone almost every start if that was his motive and I don't see him doing that. As for making a "statement" his statement was to deny he intentionally threw at ARod. If he truly wanted to make a statement that's pretty gutless. As far as the "tradition" of throwing at batters after a homerun, that tradition can get you thrown out of a game and suspended now. And it should. There are people I'm not fond of and whose opinions I totally disagree with, but I don't get to go up and slug them, face or ribs. Sports should be no different.


                            • bdeol44
                              • Sep 2013
                              • 72

                              Re: ARod hit by pitch

                              Originally posted by Phil316
                              Plus with his age and 211 game suspension it might have been the last chance Dempster had to make that statement. I highly doubt a young pitcher would have gotten away with it. I think it showed plenty of class burying the ball in A-Rods ribs instead of his teeth lol.

                              I am over Alex Rodriguez and his denials. Ban him for life. Baseball would be better without him and his traveling side show.
                              Well said.


                              • dtmd59
                                • Mar 2013
                                • 43

                                Re: ARod hit by pitch

                                Originally posted by bdeol44
                                Well said.

