Probably a touchy subject...

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  • sox83cubs84
    • Apr 2009
    • 8902

    Re: Probably a touchy subject...

    It's always an interesting exercise to try and figure out: if YOU were in the players' shoes, what would YOUR signing policies be? Most young people and hounds state without hesitation that they would sign for anyone who asked at anytime. Of course, if they were in agony with a kidney stone trying to hail a cab, or standing in the men's room taking a whizz, or being interrupted when conversing with a friend by a rude signature seeker, they may feel differently. (BTW, all three of those thing have happened at hotels or ballparks in Chicago, with the same guy guilty of the first and third instance).

    For me, I WOULDN'T sign for anyone at anytime. I'd answer by-mail requests within reason, but I would not sign at my hotel (to me, an invasion of privacy) nor would I sign outside the park (too many dealers and hoarders). I WOULD, however, be willing to sign for as many fans as time allowed inside the stadium. IMHO, the people who buy tickets are supporting the game, and autograph signing is a way of showing appreciation for that support. The autograph dealers and hoarders and hotel invaders are usually seeking something for nothing. But, for a person who is willing to make the expenditure of buying a ticket, even if it's the cheapest in the house, to me that shows they care enough about the game to warrant attention and autographs. Sure, I know that some dealers and hoarders will buy tickets, too, but at that point they are financially supporting the game...whether or not they sold my autograph afterwards would not be important to me.

    I'm curious what other GUU members would see themselves doing if they were the celebrities being asked?

    Dave Miedema


    • dscards
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2013
      • 16

      Re: Probably a touchy subject...

      Really good question Dave.

      For me, I would try and sign whenever I was approached politely and I had the time. As someone who has 'graphed since I was a kid, I know how a scribbled signature from a ballplayer can make someone's day. In the extra ten minutes it takes me to get home at night because I stopped to sign outside the park, I could make a lot of people happy. Also as a 'grapher, I know that adults autograph seekers aren't usually the scum of the earth like they're made out to be. Many are genuine fans who appreciate the autograph much more than a kid sticking a sharpie in the face of anyone in a uniform. (That said, I would absolutely make an effort to make sure every kid who wanted one left with an autograph.) I think I'm pretty good at picking out dealers and wouldn't mind saying "only one" to someone who gave me that vibe. I'd make sure all fan mail requests got signed, though I could see myself being one of the players who waited until the off-season to do the majority of it.
      Would I have days when I'm not in a good mood/poor performance/life when I wouldn't feel like dealing with hordes of people? I'm sure. To say that I'd sign in every situation would be foolish. But, my general rule would be that if a fan was polite and respectful to me, I would be the same back and try to accommodate their autograph request.


      • dscards
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2013
        • 16

        Re: Probably a touchy subject...

        To add:

        And in response to the person asking me to sign a page/sheet/absurd amount of cards, if there was a crowd and I felt like I might not have time to get everyone, I'd sign 1-3 for the person and ask them if they would wait until I finished signing for the rest. It'd make sure I got to as many people as possible and that I didn't have to rush my signature to finish up the page of cards.


        • godwulf
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2007
          • 1864

          Re: Probably a touchy subject...

          Originally posted by sox83cubs84
          Of course, if they were in agony with a kidney stone trying to hail a cab, or standing in the men's room taking a whizz, or being interrupted when conversing with a friend by a rude signature seeker, they may feel differently.
          A few years ago, a former Major League pitcher was coaching in the Fall League, and I had one of his GU uniform caps that I wanted to get signed. He came out of the dugout after a game, and I was about to call him over, when he walked over to the screen and began speaking with a woman whom I realized was the coach's wife. I kept my distance until they parted, and then came over and respectfully asked the man to sign. The first words out of his mouth, even before I said anything, were, "Thanks for waiting." A little common courtesy really does go a long way.


          • jtnatalierica
            • Jun 2006
            • 66

            Re: Probably a touchy subject...

            Got a good multiple autograph card signing. When I was with the Tigers as a batting practice pitcher, I used to hang around with Jim Walewander. When we were sitting at our lockers after bp, he showed me a plastic box containing about 15 of his cards wanting them autographed. He laid them in the floor one next to another and script wrote his full name, J_I_M_W_A_L_E_W_A_N_D_E_R across all 15 cards, picked them up, put them back and stated "Let me see how much they can get for this card with the E on it, or the N on it". Laughed my butt off.


            • godwulf
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2007
              • 1864

              Re: Probably a touchy subject...

              I purchased a Diamondbacks equipment bag on eBay from former MLB pitcher Bob Wolcott some years ago - I seem to recall that another board member got his Seattle one - and in the course of emailing back and forth I asked him whether he'd mind if I sent a few cards for him to autograph. He said sure, so I sent him, I think, four or five cards, and they came back nicely signed, with two others that I didn't have and which he just made me a present of. You can't get too much more accomodating than that!


              • chakes89
                Senior Member
                • May 2006
                • 1706

                Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                Annoying kids are one thing and that is to be expected but the grown man "fan boys" that show up the to park everyday with pages and pages of cards and hound the players for equipment and that think they are "friends" with the players are just a whole other level of creepy/desperate/sad.

                These guys fall into these false realities and think they are best friends with a player because they talk to them for a minute, or because they give them crappy photos they have taken of them or because they give them newspaper clippings. And then after all that have the nerve to expect autographs, bats or other equipment because they have bestowed such an amazing, unsolicited and, most of the time, completely unwanted "gift" upon them. Never mind that they usually appear pathetically desperate and just downright creepy. It's really quite sad actually.

                And this is coming from the perspective of someone (me) that has worked in pro ball for a long time now and I have seen/heard this first hand from players, other fans and co-workers all throughout the years.

                At one time, I was an avid in-person autograph collector, ages 11-16, but I had to stop at my local park (where I work) because the local "hounds" made up rumors about me my first season that, among other things, had me stealing the home jersey of one our more prominent players at the time during a long road trip. I was livid when I found out about this because it would have cost me job had it made it around to anyone in the company that actually believed it.

                So I am a little jaded when it comes to the "fan boys"
                I collect Jay Bruce and Cincinnati Reds Minor League stuff

                My email address:


                • r_phelps
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 300

                  Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                  I have never really been to big into autographs but I bought a lot of 75 different Daryle Ward card in 2003 for like $10 shipped. I worked in baseball at the time and gave these to Daryle for his personal collection because previously he had mentioned he collected his and his dad Gary's cards. He thanked me and told me that he actually needed a few of those cards. He walked by me a few days later and without speaking handed me all but 3 of the cards back he kept autographed. All of the autographs on the 72 cards are signed very carefully. I was surprised to say the least but the impression I got from it all was that Daryle Ward was a class act.
                  Now for the creepy autograph guys a lot of times I have heard players say that if somebody is going to ask you to sign ridiculous amounts that they do sloppy initial signatures or just do a couple. It kills me to hear guys complaing because they didn't sign ENOUGH for them. I have also heard dealers saying they earn the right to sell their autographs on ebay because they put the time,money,and effort into getting them signed. Expenses such as card cost, shipping,pens,gas,tickets,ebay fees, etc. I really don't care just my 2 cents.


                  • xpress34
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2648

                    Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                    This is in response to the last two posts...

                    1st to chakes89 - and maybe I'm reading too much into what you wrote - some people (based on your description) might call me a 'fan boy' based on my connections with certain players over the past few years at Coors Field.

                    I just want to clarify that I am not a card guy, but some players - when you have certain items of theirs to get signed - do become 'friendly' with certain fans. A few cases that have happened to me:

                    Matt Holliday - ever since Matt saw me roll out his 1st MLB Spring Training jersey in 2004 when he got called up, he and I have been 'friendly' (for lack of a better term). He has always made time to stop and see what I have to get signed - always unique items (not cards) and even since he went to the Cards, he has made time at least one day each time he's been back to sign whatever I've collected over the past year.

                    Eric Young Jr - a little different connection. I met EY when he 1st got drafted by the Rockies and always saw him at Spring Training. In 2009 (his MLB Call Up) I retrieved his 1st MLB HR. I made sure I got to see him to give it to him and got a GU ball in return. Since then, he has always made time to say hello, support our RockNation club, and before being traded, stopped twice on his way in to gift me with Cleats and Batting Gloves to finish a Mannequin that has his 1st Rockies Uniform (and the 1st MLB HR Uniform) on it including his Batting helmet.

                    Jason Giambi - I was fortunate enough to be able to snag Jason's 1st Rockies Uniform from Sept 2009 (same uniform he is wearing in his 1st Rockies cards) and he came over to sign it at Spring Training in 2010 and we started talking. Since then, he has always been gracious in making times for items I have added to the collection and at Fan Fest in 2012, my friends were floored when he was walking past and pointed me out, called me by name and stopped to say hello to everyone.

                    Finally Michael Cuddyer. I met Michael more directly and in a more 'one on one' interaction when one of my techs asked me to come help him with a Cable/Internet/Phone install in 2012 and it was at Michael's house. While I was setting up his Internet and WiFi and all, we talked for a good two hours and Michael too has gone out of his way when he sees me to sign items I have for him and he gifted me a pair of Batting Gloves at the end of last season.

                    I have the same kind of relationship with a few other up and coming Rockies too, but those are the best known names.

                    Does that make me a 'fan-boy' per your definition? I have no notion that we are best buds or that we're going out for beers, but it's also not the situation you described.

                    My point being - you're description doesn't fit every situation and many times, people don't know the whole background behind who really knows who or how they know each other.

                    2nd to r_phelps - I agree with you that many 'dealers' complain about not getting enough signed, etc... we have a few people here at Coors Field that claim they aren't dealers, but they are the only ones who get upset and bent out of shape when they don't get the autograph they we're seeking (maybe they had already 'guaranteed' someone that autograph?) or when a player only signs one item per person.

                    You're point about the 'right to sell their autographs' isn't without merit, but it's also a sticky point on the other side. I don't collect autographs to sell, but I do understand the cost of selling - postage, packing materials, etc - having sold here, on eBay, etc over the years.

                    I generally sell to raise funds for a new piece for my collection, or because I picked up a lot of items for one or two pieces and the rest will be resold. I do also sell because I need space or to give my wife and kid a nice vacation.birthday/Christmas...I try to be fair in my pricing, but when some people low ball you AND want free shipping, there are times it would literally cost money to sell the item - meaning that after shipping/packaging, etc, you're spending more than you're getting for the item... so there is that side to the coin as well.

                    To all - thanks for letting me rant - now I'll digress and step off the soap box...

                    - Smitty


                    • Billy77
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 155

                      Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                      Smitty...Once again AMEN!!!

                      I like your style


                      • Steeleraddict
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 229

                        Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                        Putting myself to when I was a wide eyed hero worshipping 10 year old. That meeting and kinda also the autograph lasts a lifetime. Nothing more dishearting than being that kid or, worse, seeing that kid waiting for a sig. as some adult pulls out 20+ photos, cards to be signed. The players time is limited so the kid any everyone knows he may not meet his childhood hero or get a signature.
                        So, to that, maybe the adult gets one or two then goes to the end of the line. This is when they're are free. Now if u bought tickets per sig then diff story.
                        But the free ones is a whole diff story. I for one won't contribute to crushing a boys dream, his possible only chance. if ur intent is honorable any want it as a souvenir then get ur two then share the wealth. Enuf. No ones opinion is going to change


                        • sox83cubs84
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 8902

                          Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                          Originally posted by jtnatalierica
                          Got a good multiple autograph card signing. When I was with the Tigers as a batting practice pitcher, I used to hang around with Jim Walewander. When we were sitting at our lockers after bp, he showed me a plastic box containing about 15 of his cards wanting them autographed. He laid them in the floor one next to another and script wrote his full name, J_I_M_W_A_L_E_W_A_N_D_E_R across all 15 cards, picked them up, put them back and stated "Let me see how much they can get for this card with the E on it, or the N on it". Laughed my butt off.
                          Great story. In the mid-1980s, a local dealer was loading up on Buddy Biancalana autographs. When the dealer presented Buddy with two more 1985 Topps cards, he signed his first name on one and his last name on the other.

                          Dave M.


                          • chakes89
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2006
                            • 1706

                            Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                            Smitty, can't really answer your question because I don't know you.

                            And as for my term "Fan Boy," I equate it to be a male version of the term "Cleat Chasers," which if unfamiliar, is a term used to describe overzealous or "stalkerish" female fans.

                            Seen a fair share of "Cleat Chasers" in my day as well. And talk about desperate..........
                            I collect Jay Bruce and Cincinnati Reds Minor League stuff

                            My email address:


                            • xpress34
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 2648

                              Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                              Originally posted by chakes89
                              Smitty, can't really answer your question because I don't know you.

                              And as for my term "Fan Boy," I equate it to be a male version of the term "Cleat Chasers," which if unfamiliar, is a term used to describe overzealous or "stalkerish" female fans.

                              Seen a fair share of "Cleat Chasers" in my day as well. And talk about desperate..........
                              I know very well what a Cleat Chaser is - we have plenty of them here at Coors Field and down in Colorado Springs at Triple A as well...

                              I was just making the argument that you statement about 'fan boys' was a rather generalized statement. It's all good.

                              Not too many baseball terms that I am unfamiliar with having followed the game my whole life (I turn 50 a month from Wednesday) and having worked for both Nike and Rawlings.


                              • mdb240
                                Junior Member
                                • Jan 2011
                                • 16

                                Re: Probably a touchy subject...

                                I like to read the boards here but hardly ever post. Would like to share my experience with a future HOF.

                                I always loved Frank Thomas growing up (I am now 31), and always wanted to meet the man and possibly get his autograph. Only problem is that I live in Philadelphia so Frank hardly ever came to play against the Phillies. I always went to the Sox vs. Phillies games that I could just to see my guy live and in person for his 1 trip to plate as a Pinch Hitter.

                                Anyway, While he was with the Blue Jays they held an exhibition game vs the Phillies right before so I knew I had to go. I was going to do everything in my power to say hi to him and maybe get a photo with him.

                                I made a poster that said, "The big hurt, please sign my baseball" and brought with me a press photo I had from my younger days that I used to have on my night stand. Before the game there was a minor leaguer talking to his family and when there was a break in the conversation I said, if you see this man(holding up my pic of him) in the locker room tell him I have been waiting for him for a long time and tell him to please come over so I could say hi. In they go and after a couple of minutes the team comes out, including Frank, who I imediately yell for. He raises his arm like he hears me and is acknowledging it. hmm... something is up.

                                He gets done warming up and walks right over to me and asks if he could sign my baseball (as I nervously drop the pen). Out of nowhere all these people around me come over and start asking him for his auto, (books and bats thrown in his face), he asks me if there is anything else I would like signed.. " do you want the sign autographed? Sure why not . He also signed my photo. On the way back to the dugout he signed a few more autographs but I know he came right over to me. I would thank the minor leaguer but I don't really know who he was but we did get his auto on my wife's ticket. I couldn't believe what just happened so about the 5th inning after calling my family to tell what happened.. I finally got to watch some of the game.

                                Fast forward to 2013 and the All-Star fanfest. I decided to wear my Frank Thomas jersey in the hopes he would happen to be there. I knew he was doing an autograph signing in a NYC store so it couldn't hurt. I was near the MLB.COM set they had set up and hear " up next, catch up with Frank Thomas".... Sat in audience, asked one of my favorite athletes a question for the show. Afterwards he signed my jersey as I got my brother to stand in line for me as I watched the show. After he was done signing for everyone I was still on his side of the table (behind the ropes) and asked if I could get a picture with him. He was gracious enough to do so and wanted it to be a good one so he had up do it twice... no complaints on my end. Now it sits on my work desk as I write this. His arm around me while I am wearing his jersey.

                                See you in Cooperstown Frank, I will be there.

