Quote Originally Posted by 64SHEA View Post
The worst part is when the kids, at there parents behest, force there way in to get an autograph and then have no idea who the guy is. Its hard enough to get an autograph because it seems a lot of players wont even sign for grown men. David Wright has signed a few times at roads games but he walks by anyone who is not under 12 or, of course, a good looking female. I don't understand why kids think they should, and are given anything they want. I look at it like this, in 10 years that 9 year old is going to be a rude, entitled PIA 19 year old with my, probably long forgotten, autograph.

On the other hand it is nice to be able to have my, now 14 year old, niece be able to get autographs for me.
I know, I have been trying to get his 143rd HR signed since 2010!