Quote Originally Posted by thesteelcurtain58 View Post
Ok. Let's say there's a 1% chance it's legit ..without going into it all...still looking for that 1%. This may not be over. More to follow...maybe. That seriously is all I can say currently. I'm abs def hoping they find that 1%. I'd rather have the jersey.

The point is we should continue to look out for each other.


I def mentioned and passed along bens. Been trying to find the purchaser. He'd be really interested.
I don't understand, you drop a bombshell that your NFL Auctions Polamalu jersey isn't authentic, then say there's a 1% chance its authentic? Either it is or it isn't.

If you're on this site to educate and look out for the collector as you have said many times, we would all appreciate you sharing the information since mnay of us on this site have purchased items from NFL auctions.