Quote Originally Posted by MichaelofSF View Post
So I was talking to Sabes this year at Royals Fantasy Camp about the whole Wilson/Rawlings 1989 jersey thing to know what the reason why was. He didn't remember or even notice. I did pick his brain some about his equipment. Sabes remembered that he started hemming his jerseys because he said he hated the front tail. He couldn't exactly remember when this started. In his Royals days he didn't do this but some time around 1994 in my observations his jerseys start to show this.

Sabes also said that he used to change undershirts every inning because he would sweat alot. I missed out on his 1989 game used glove that he auctioned off with SCP last year but started talking with him about his gloves. He said that he started having his gloves made with sweat bands because of his profuse sweating. He said the first year the band smelled so bad from use that in subsequent years they started making the glove so that the band could be changed out. He also said he used to tip his curveball by extending his finger on his glove so he started having a finger hood placed on his glove. This was all pretty interesting stuff to me to hear from the source.
That's good stuff!!!