Quote Originally Posted by cjclong View Post
It is a shame that players like Rodriguez, Bonds and Clemens were linked to PED's. All of them could have had HOF careers without the usage. Obviously they made the choice and will have to accept what comes with it. There is nothing for anyone to be happy about in any of this. It's sad when people make bad choices, and they did make a choice. Maybe we have begun putting most of the PED era behind us now, I hope.
I really disagree with the statement that they could have had HOF careers without PED's. The fact is we will never know. There is no way to know what their career numbers would have looked like if they hadn't cheated. And we really have no idea how long they cheated. Was it their entire career like Mark McGwire?
I always feel bad for players like Carlos Lee, just the first name that came to mind, who put up really good numbers and then declined when most players decline in their early to mid thirty's. They don't get the recognition they deserve because the cheaters numbers are so gaudy.