I feel you on your points SalukiDave, and I doubt my 2 cents will influence that multi million dollar franchise on the southside. I wouldnt doubt if change is coming though. Not because of our discussion here. But more so due to the fact that this hobby is alot popular now then back in the day. The day when you could pick up plenty of solid pieces at a fair price and make a nice flip. Its always a hobby to us, but now it has turned into another avenue of cash for these franchises. There a sports team but a business first. I also wouldnt doubt since we have another fraudulent franchise in terms of selling there bogus memorabilia. Teams start to tighten down how they go about selling there GU. How many times do we pick up a handful of jerseys then thumb through them and realize its not even used. But yet they want me the buyer to make that call and pay for sometimes what is overpriced? Thats kinda of a loose way of doing business. But yeah, like you said, you can definitely find some gems that way. Thats the funnest part right there for me along with doing research on the web. Ill always buy Sox gamers regardless, and im sure we vould go back and forth. When you mentioned your AJ chest protector I think in another thread. I remember we had actually met one time. You mentioned wsiting at a garage sale too. Nice pick up on the Griffey! Hear you have a hell of a collection too! Thats Awesome! Go Sox!