Quote Originally Posted by onlyalbert View Post
So you don't think less of Bond's record? I sure do.
I think Bonds is very different. Everyone thinks he was HOF bound without them, but I disagree. His first 4 years were really nothing eye popping. I thinks it pretty clear he started using steroids that 5th year and just keep adding more. Bonds took a 25HR guy and made himself a 75HR guy. It was sickening to watch his ego grow with his head. His stats aren't even human...he just took it to a disgraceful level.

And the fact he can lie still to this day is pretty sad. I would respect him more if he came out saying yah I did it like most of baseball. The fact that he can continue to say he never knew he did is just sad. Everyone knows he did it intentionally...you don't go from 25 to 73.