So My buddy Mike calls me and tells me he has scored passes from Yankees/Steiner to be on the field for batting practice . Me being the Mets fan that I am , I was thinking about it but was like What the heck!

When I get there ..... All I see is this :

The Entrance to Yankee Stadium !!!!

My heart started to pump a little when I received this :

After getting the pass , The rep walked us thru the underlings of Yankee Stadium , I can tell you this, I was taking it all in .

My eyes just grew wider as we stepped foot on the field of Yankee Stadium .

This caught my eye

Ichiro chatting with an old friend

I look to my left and I see this :

I yell over to Cano in Spanish and he looked right at me. I explained that we have a mutual friend and he had a grin on his face when I mentioned his name. We spoke for a while and he even took a picture with me and signed my baseball.

I seen Felix Hernandez and asked him in Spanish if he wasn't busy if he could sign for me . End Result :

Right when I think things couldn't get any better , over walks Reggie Jackson !!!! He asks us how are we doing and offers to sign for us !!! Of course I didn't say no !!!!

I was already on cloud 9 when I asked my friend to take a picture of me :

I didn't even notice that Jeter photobombed me !!!! I realized that after I turned around !

I then took these pics

Jeter smiled and said " I hope you got my good side " and walked over and started to sign for me and the other 3 ppl I was with !!!

I got this pic off of the Yes Network Facebook page . That is Jeter shaking my hand after he signed for me !!!!

Jackpot !!!! :flex:

Here are the balls I got signed ... I am very happy !!!! I could care less about the sidepanel !!!

All in all , I had an amazing time and made memories that will last a lifetime !!!