Redskins being forced to change name by US gov

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  • sox83cubs84
    • Apr 2009
    • 8902

    Re: Redskins being forced to change name by US gov

    Political Correctness has become the standard for the left these days, and, given the desire of their politicians to force their agenda down everyone else's throat, they now want to tell us what we can and can't say or even think. Disapprove of Obama? Then you're a racist. Not on board with gay marriage? Then you're a homophobe. The left resorts to labeling and name calling because they can't win a debate on ideas and facts. And, with the left in the White House and as the majority in the Senate, politicians of this ilk (not so much rank and file lefties) want control over peoples' lives through bigger government, and that includes telling private business how to run their operations and penalizing them if they don't follow the left's ideology to the letter.

    FTR: This approach was already tried by the Patent Office in 1999. The team appealed, and the case took several years to be decided, but when it was, the Patent Office was overruled by the presiding judge, which I hope is what happens here.

    Dave Miedema


    • Mark17
      Senior Member
      • May 2006
      • 379

      Re: Redskins being forced to change name by US gov

      Originally posted by
      Why not just change the stupid name. It is a pretty dumb name, their uniform or pretty blah to me, and it is pretty offensive to some.

      Honestly this is basically forcing them to change it or lose a lot of money. Once people find out about all the knockoffs no one will really want legit gear.

      You don't happen to like their name, and from that, you leap to the conclusion that it is just fine for the government to arbitrarily FORCE them to change it?

      Maybe I'm offended by the name of your dog, or cat, or children, or whatever. How would you feel if the government forced you to change their names? For no other reason that someone is "offended".

      I have never understood the mentality that says if someone has a preference, it's just fine for government to use it's massive power to force it. I may think purple houses are ugly, but I don't want my local government to outlaw them. I find certain music and some talk shows to be offensive but I don't want them banned.

      What I'd rather do is live in a country with individual freedom and liberty as guaranteed by a First Amendment.

      The Fifth Amendment ends with this: " ...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation". If the Redskins have their trademark taken away, that would certainly be a "taking", and I suppose the government's "public use" excuse would be that a handful of activists would be appeased (and have to start looking for the next thing to be offended by.)

      For those who don't mind seeing other peoples' freedoms trampled, all I can say is, I hope you don't value your own freedoms very much because eventually it'll come around to you.


      • xpress34
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 2648

        Re: Redskins being forced to change name by US gov

        Originally posted by Roady
        I am not racist. I am a realist and I realize the Indians decide to live on the Rez and not go out into the world and improve their station in life. This despite special programs to help them do it.
        They were the first welfare recipients and it has ruined them for generations. Most will not work. Most will not go to college. Most will not do anything.
        Their young are leaving in droves because the Rez is a death trap that their parents decide to live on instead of assimilating into society like everyone else.

        Your comments do not affect me in the least. I know what is really going and it is not a Disney movie like you think it is.

        Just like modern Americans did not enslave anyone, none of us were at Wounded Knee.
        They have every advantage anyone could have to better themselves and most refuse to do it.
        The Indians did not DECIDE to live on the Res - they were PUT on the res by the whites when our ancestors decided they wanted their land.

        I grew up in the Southwest and have many Native American friends who have done well for themselves so don't think you know me with your condescending 'Disney movie' remarks.

        You sound like an elitist like many other people I know - and I don't know where you get that they have every advantage that anyone could have. That's a bunch of crap.

        They had to fight to get back their own rights to leave the reservations - it wasn't like we told them 'here's some land - come and go as you please'. It took generations for them to get back to that point - and even when they did, they were treated as poorly as other minorities by the whites.

        I don't know what rose tinted glasses you look at history through, but it's not as even keeled as you want to make it sound.


        • Roady
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2012
          • 1430

          Re: Redskins being forced to change name by US gov

          Originally posted by xpress34
          The Indians did not DECIDE to live on the Res - they were PUT on the res by the whites when our ancestors decided they wanted their land.

          I grew up in the Southwest and have many Native American friends who have done well for themselves so don't think you know me with your condescending 'Disney movie' remarks.

          You sound like an elitist like many other people I know - and I don't know where you get that they have every advantage that anyone could have. That's a bunch of crap.

          They had to fight to get back their own rights to leave the reservations - it wasn't like we told them 'here's some land - come and go as you please'. It took generations for them to get back to that point - and even when they did, they were treated as poorly as other minorities by the whites.

          I don't know what rose tinted glasses you look at history through, but it's not as even keeled as you want to make it sound.
          You are living in the past. They can leave anytime they want and they have advantages now when it comes to school, housing, loans, jobs, etc.......
          Nothing is holding them back from becoming productive members of society and bettering their lives. Nothing but themselves.

          You act as if they are too ignorant to fend for themselves and need our help to survive.


          • Roady
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2012
            • 1430

            Re: Redskins being forced to change name by US gov

            And I NEVER said they decided to live on the Rez. (past)
            I said they decide to live on the Rez. (present)


            • Roady
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2012
              • 1430

              Re: Redskins being forced to change name by US gov

              I am not allowing you to upset me over this. I know the history. I know the people. I know the present. I have done more for Native Americans than you could hope to do the rest of your life.

