Quote Originally Posted by kingjammy24 View Post

(p.s. of course, i realize that many times the "impeccable team source" needs to be kept secret because they don't actually exist)

That is great. Yes, this thread was on the "For Sale" section based on a Yankees Clemens WS 2001 jersey that Jetefan was selling. I will copy the portion you are referring to for this Post.

Quote Originally Posted by jetefan
Re: Jersey's for Sale Jeter-Pujols Clemens Etc....
Quote Originally Posted by jetefan
Originally Posted by JETEFAN
Your points are well taken, . However I recieved this jersey from someone I have been dealing with for many years as he is connected with Yankees items,

Once again your points are well taken and I agree with you as to proving authenticity, but as you know with Yankees items you can only go so far as to exposing sources.
Thanks for input
George - Great sources certainly need not be shared, and it is you that has to be comfortable with your sources which it sounds like you are.

I think it was important for you to know that there are a lot of Clemens jerseys that Steiner sold out there that were sold as Game Issued including the 2 WS 2001 home jerseys.

In addition, there were dozens of size 48, 50, and 52 blank game issued available which could easily be turned into a Clemens, Jeter, Matsui, etc.

Prior to Steiner getting into the Yankees agreement, it was really difficult getting a real Yankees game used "star" jersey. So my question is, why do you think there are dozens of perfectly tagged Clemens, ARod, Jeter, Matsui out there without Steiner COAs. Eric just posted Misturini's inventory which included several game used Yankees stars jerseys. There can't be all these people with all these strong contacts. The numbers just don't add up.

The Yankees still use the same internal controls they did pre-Steiner so it makes no sense.

I have read your feelings before about Steiner and much is justified, but I think Steiner's prices have begun to reflect the supply/demand out there. Yes, star players will still be expensive but you know the old saying, you get what you pay for......
