I've noticed something very curious about George Springer's items on MLB.com Auctions. First of all, his debut lineup card, Memorial Day cap, and Memorial Day jersey, were all relisted. It was my understanding that, in order to bid on MLB.com Auctions, that you have to have a valid credit card. Unless someone was bidding on an expired card, I don't see how someone could get away with not paying for an auction.

Second of all, from last night to this morning, the relisted auctions all went down in price, some dramatically. I've never before seen this happen on MLB.com Auctions, as there is no way for a bidder to retract a bid. Here is a screenshot of the way my computer looked last night:

Here is a screen shot from this morning:


In all my time following MLB.com Auctions, I've never seen items relisted, bids retracted, and prices going down on the site.

Has anybody else seen a similar scenario?

Any ideas as to what's transpiring?

I'm perplexed.