Alright, so I know this is probably a dumb question, but the only way to learn is to ask.

My local Goodwill has had this stick laying around for the better part of 2 weeks. Today, I purchased it off of them for $3. I needed a stick to shoot pucks around with, but seeing as how this is a Christian stick, I may hang it on my wall.

Upon futher inspection, I noticed the stick was stamped with "Hull" on the shaft, in a similar fashion to a game-used stick blade I own of Shawn Chambers. I was intrigued by this, and thought I would get some opinions before taking it out on the pond.

I did do a little research, and it appears as if Brett Hull mainly used Easton, but this auction link shows that he also used Christian sticks.

The pic below shows the stamp on the stick, as compared to the stamp on the Chambers blade that I referenced earlier.

Again, I apologize for my dumb question, just curious.