Quote Originally Posted by johnsontravis@ymail.com View Post
I'm sorry but cost wise this will never happen in college and big high schools because they will break far to many.

Anything smaller wouldn't want it due to the fact it would sap any power left after BBCOR went into effect. It would be singles and shallow fly balls all game.

You take on risks playing sports at any level. All of them have major dangers. I respect you a lot Wrigley, but thinking everything should be wood is extremely silly...what next? No more tackling in football? Flag football instead?
You are 100% correct that the cost vs safety metric here is what essentially wins out. Nothing I said or argued would fundamentally change how the game of baseball is played which your comparison to the NFL and flag football would certainly do. Keep in mind the NFL has changed rules every year to make the game safer and in turn has changed the game a lot and what for?? Safety. Which is exactly what the NCAA has been doing yearly with their new regulations on how the bats should perform. They have said many times they want an aluminum bat that acts more like "wood" and their reason? Safety.

Do I think they will make the switch? No. Do I think they should? Yes. That's the only point I'm trying to make... and you know who else would like them to switch? MLB because then they can actually scout a player and have a much better idea of what the player is capable of. I could go on for days about this subject but I will end my rant here