we have since hooked up on IG I believe. I'm Yellowsub73 - I update new acquisitions there as its much easier to upload pics. Its funny to look back at this though. I'm up to about 20 Kellys now as well as a 90s practice jersey. My non Kelly collection has also grown quite a bit as well. Fun stuff! Anyone interested can view current pics over on Instagram.

News of Note - The company I work for, recently purchased a GIANT collection of Bills memorabilia from a former EQPT staff member who just retired. I've spent the last 2 or 3 months inventorying everything and its just amazing. HUNDREDS of jerseys (1987-2015 ), Hundreds of pairs of pants, tons of cleats, new, used, and autographed, some helmets, visors, cut ups, mouth gaurds, stadium flags, signs both big and small, the logo from the old locker room carpet, thousands of gloves, shoulder pads, laundry bins, storage lockers, locker room stools, game balls, presentation game balls, frqmed pictures from offices from before the remodel, etc - you name it, it was in the collection.

Since the Bills never do their own garage sale, we are going to do essentially the same thing in late Aug, early Sept.
When we have some dates solid, if anyone is interested I'll be sure to update!