Quote Originally Posted by Skizzick View Post
Is there some deeper layer to your beef with Mattingly? Did he not sign an autograph for you when you were a kid? Did he accidentally run over your dog?

I've been a die-hard Dodger fan all my life. Since Tommy Lasorda retired (as a manager), it's been a painful run, now 26 years, for us Dodger fans. One loser after the other managing the team. And that "loser" list includes Joe Torre. You take away his great Yankee run, when ANYONE could have won with that team, and Joe was a miserable manager too. But at least Joe has personality, is a class act, and could handle the "personalities" in baseball, so he had some measurable success.

My problem with Mattingly is that I see nothing. I see blank darkness when I look into his eyes. I don't know what team or sport you follow, but baseball is not an easy game. You need a cerebral thinker at the controls. One that knows when to act, and more importantly how to not muck things up. Mattingly, in my view, is a complete waste of time. He is too much a "players manager" and therefore he can't make necessary decisions when they need to me made. He won't pull a player when they should be pulled. He benches players who are on fire! He mishandles the Dodgers pitching staff to perfection.

I guess it's not so easy to see if you don't follow the Dodgers on a regular basis. I have nothing against Donnie personally. But I know baseball enough to guarantee you this: The only ways the Dodgers ever win another World Series is if they go find a manager with an understanding for the flow and intricate details of the game. Mattingly manages by the book. He is vacant, without consciousness, asleep at the wheel. Ask ANY serious Dodger fan, and you'll get a similar response. We know were doomed with this guy, and that's my beef. It's frustrating as hell. The Dodgers should have won the National League West by the beginning of September. We all watched Mattingly lose game after game with stupid decisions all season long. And the Dodgers had to wait until the last few days of the season to lock up the Division.

Then...Mattingly struck again. Destroyed Kershaw's two great pitching performance, evaporated Greinke's great shutout, and pulled Ryu too soon in what could have and should have been a Dodger SWEEP of the Cardinals, while he hovered at the bottom step of the dugout each time with that stupid expression of his. So the Dodgers are playing golf as we prepare to all watch the Giants in the World Series AGAIN.

It's the futility of his existence in Dodger blue. I can't understand why ownership can't see it, as all us season ticket holder fans can. The Dodgers will have to put together a team like the late 90's Yankees to have any chance of winning a World Series with this buffoon running the team. And even then, they'll have to win DESPITE Mattingly, not BECAUSE of him.