Quote Originally Posted by ShaimOnYou View Post

Your comments are very welcome and I appreciate them.

I understand where you're coming from, and to a point I totally agree that a team should have a strong leader ON THE TEAM. But who would that be if there isn't a clear cut player stepping forward in a group of superstars?

The manager. After all, isn't he the one in charge? He needs to step up and motivate. If there is nothing to "motivation", then why all these great scenes in sports movies? Why was Jim Belushi's speech in "Animal House" so popular? Why are there all these people making a living as motivational speakers? Chris Farley's "motivational speaker" on Saturday night live stands as one of their all-time best skit themes. Motivation is important, even to guys who shouldn't need any. If done properly (see "Tommy Lasorda"), it can bond a group of egos together for a common goal.

I was thinking about this very subject earlier in the season, and the two obvious choices (besides Kershaw) to me would have been Matt Kemp or Adrian Gonzales. I gave the nod to the ladder because Kemp still had something to prove coming off two seasons of devastating injuries.

I actually felt the Dodgers NEEDED to name a captain for the very reason you mention. The team NEEDED a leader, and for me Adrian was the logical choice. He is bi-lingual, the teams 3rd of 4th (or 5th) hitter (depending on Mattingly's menstrual cycle) and was the RBI leader of the team (and ultimately as it turned out, MLB).

But it didn't happen. And guess who I blame for that?

I mean, does ANYTHING that should happen ever materialize on this ballclub? DOH!

NOPE. Instead, we get THIS:
I completely disagree that MLB players need a manager to motivate them. I'm not a big Lasorda fan as I believe his "motivation" was fake. Motivation is great for high school and college athletes, but these are grown men (many with families) who have to do well in order to provide for their families and continue their career. I have no clue what you do for a living, but I'm sure your boss doesn't have to get you fired up to go out and do what you do. You have bills to pay and that is your motivation. It is the players job to be a leader in clubhouse and on field. You shouldn't have to name a captain in order for someone to be a leader. Did Larussa motivate? Weaver? (Besides him getting ejected lol), torre, cox? NO! They had leaders and you don't need a "C" on your chest in order to lead people. Talent only gets you so far (as evident of Torre's time in LA). Yes they have more talent now than ever but they need a couple of veterans from within to Step-up and take the team to the next level. I'm sorry but the same will continue to happen regardless of manager if no leadership is shown. Clayton Kershaw is an unbelievable leader but you have to have multiple guys step up who everyone respects and trusts.

PS: I have no clue what an SNL skit has to do with the Dodgers lmao!