Quote Originally Posted by Roady View Post
Pretty sad when the best pitcher in MLB, as many believe, can't go past 7 innings in the heat in the playoffs.

Warren Spahn says to tell Kershaw to man up.
Right. Mattingly probably thought his best pitcher was man enough to do his job.

I remember 1991, Game 7, Jack Morris taking the mound in the tenth inning. If the manager had tried to take him out of the game, there would've been a physical altercation. And Morris wasn't protecting a huge 6-2 lead either, he was pitching his guts out in a 0-0 tie.

Then there's the famous story of Bob Gibson getting in a little trouble and his catcher, Tim McCarver, starting to go out to talk to him. "Get back there where you belong, the only thing you know about pitching is that it's hard to hit!" Gibson shouted.

Guys like Morris and Gibson loved the pressure. They did their jobs and thrived in tough spots. Instead of blaming Mattingly for Kershaw's failings, maybe Mattingly was just mistaken thinking he had a thoroughbred on the mound who could get his act together.

But apparently, after giving up three straight hits, Kershaw needed a hug that Donnie didn't provide. That might make Donnie a poor parental figure in the dugout, for his more insecure players, but going with your ace, holding a 4 run lead, doesn't sound so dumb to me.