True, I was referring to the concept of simply swapping him for Alexei as an arraingment in terms agreed upon by the players, my bad in wording it like it would be a "trade".

As the rumor goes, the Dodgers are thinking of picking up Alexei and the Sox would then sign Hanley, with maybe other players involved in the process (if the Sox were to actually trade away Alexei). I didn't mean to confuse the issue by calling it a swap, more of a team agreement on mutually desired moves. In any case, if it does happen I don't know which side of it would surprise me more, the Dodgers giving up that good bat, or the Sox giving up their popular All-Star shortstop.

I guess the Dodgers view Alexei and his $10 Mil 2015 contract as a bargain (with the added bonus of less baggage) to what they'd have to sign Hanley for, unless he gets no other offers that will drive up his price (unlikely with the Yankees looking for a shortstop). Also, Alexei may have a small incentive to take a Dodger offer if it includes a few more years because after 2015, he's a free agent. The Sox have a team option for 2016, but that's no guarantee to Alexei.