Quote Originally Posted by both-teams-played-hard View Post
Sorry, dude. I try not to pass judgement on anybody that has a job, period. You must live in Pleasantville. If you one day live in a city with crooks, panhandlers, drug dealers, identity-thieves, public-defacators, un-insured drivers, male-prostitutes and transvestites, then you will have a newfound respect and admiration for bagboys, stock-workers and clerks."

Despite the fact that you were being a smart arse, you actually agreed with my statement. That was my point exactly!!! Don't think more highly of yourself than you do of them.

About living in pleasantville. . .I don't. I believe we have those in most places that have a population larger than 1. My only concern about the statement was why you didn't just say prostitutes? Is a male prostitute worse than a female one? But that does contradict your statement about not passing judgement on someone that has a job.