I have enjoyed reading the various stories on here so I figured I would share a couple of my own.

Best Experiences:

2008 Ryan Malone - Penguins: A group of buddies and I went to Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals against the Red Wings. I was lucky enough to snag a single ticket from Ticketmaster, while the rest of my friends watched the big screen outside of the stadium. The Pens were down 2-1 in the series so this was basically a must win game. They ended up losing a hard fought game 2-1, which put them in a 3-1 series hole. After the game, we hung around near the players parking lot drowning our sorrows with IC Light. A majority of the players went to their cars without signing or acknowledging anyone, which I couldn't blame them after a game like that. About three hours after the game ended we saw Ryan Malone came out to get into his car. He was the last player to leave the arena. There were only a couple of people left in the parking lot at this time so we went over to see if he would be willing to sign. He ended up talking with us for a good 15 minutes about the game/series. I didn't have anything to get signed so I got a picture with him. It was really a cool experience.

2013 Clint Hurdle - Pirates: I attended the 2013 Wild Card Playoff game against the Reds, which is still THE greatest sporting event I have ever been to in person. A huge win for the Buccos. I was with a friend of my Dad's (who is a huge autograph guy), and was really hoping to get a couple autos after the game. We waited around and made our way near the team bus where the players were boarding to head to the airport and then onto St. Louis for the NLDS. Pretty much every player did not even acknowledge the screaming crowd and just boarded the bus, but Clint came over and talked with us for awhile, signed autographs, and thanked us numerous times for providing the raucous environment. It was a great end to an unforgettable evening.

Worst Experience:

1994 Rod Woodson - Steelers: I attended my first ever Steelers game with my Dad, and his friend (again big autograph guy). It was a preseason game against the Green Bay Packers, I will always remember Greg Lloyd knocking Brett Favre out in the first quarter. After the game, my Dads friend was looking to get some autographs so we waited around with him near the players lot. Rod Woodson emerged, who at the time was my favorite player. I patiently waited as he signed for a couple people that were ahead of me. By this time I was near him he was just getting into his car. Keep in mind I was 8 years old at the time and this was a meaningless preseason game in which he only played a few series. I go to hand him the card I had and he looked at me and said, "If I sign yours, I am going to have to sign his and his and his. I am done" and slammed his car door. I honestly thought my Dad was going to pull him out of the car he was so mad. Haha
Needless to say I was never a fan of him since.