I have experimented with several items to help with mine...here is an idea I tried a few years ago. Its probably gonna be looked at as kinda low-tech or silly but it worked for me...maybe it will for others too. I bought a cardboard t-shirt frame at Hobby Lobby for about a dollar. I took the cardboard frame and trimmed the neck down so that it would not show in the yoke of the jersey. I then put the jersey over the frame so that it looked like the t-shirt frame was "wearing" the jersey. Then I took some 20 or 40 lb test line fishing line and attached it to the cardboard frame just inside the neck where it can't be seen. The I ran the fishing line throught the top of the shadowbox and attached it to a small screw that I put in the back of the top part of the frame. It makes the jersey look sort of "suspended". If you look really close you can see the fishing line, but otherwise from a distance you can't really see it. As I said earlier, it may sound sorta too simple or silly, but it worked for me...the idea was sort of a trial and error before I got it looking the way I wanted it. You can see a few examples of how it looks after its finished.