Just curious if this has happened to others on here. This kind of plays on my perception that many sellers over price items on ebay. As of December 2014, I am seeing 3 items on ebay that I made offers on earlier in 2014 (at least 6 months prior) and all went for LESS (or still did not sell at all without a bids).

At the time of my offers, the sellers all acted shocked or insulted about my offers and they tried to inform me how blatantly wrong I was about the value of the item. I am not posting this to be like "haha told you so" but moreso that I have a hard time with a lot of sellers value on items and trying to mark up to mark down.

Does anyone have any stories of that happening to them?

Honestly as a collector in game used, I RARELY even make my money back. Back in 2011 when I bought all those locker plates and resold them, I usually had the thought process that I wanted to get rid of them and dump them at reasonable costs.

I did not make fortune off them at all, but amazed to see how many of those buyers put them on ebay with $30 OBO and I am sure they made money and that is great for them but I always am surprised how long some people will wait to turn merchandise, sometimes it takes the better part of a year until prospective buyers realize that they cannot get that same item anywhere else and they give in. It just surprises me that someone will hold on to something for a long period of time for the sole purpose of reselling it and making like $20. Are you telling me there wasn't something else that person couldn't have done in that same period of time to make a $20, but it si their right to do that, just seems silly to me.