Quote Originally Posted by Wrigley2010 View Post
R.C., that is a fantastic jersey!! One of my first childhood memories of baseball was Andre Dawson chasing Show around Wrigley after Show beaned him in the head. I have searched for the past few years for the right Show item to add to my collection and they are hard to come by. Thank you for sharing!

By the way, if anyone here hasn't seen the ESPN special "The Tortured Life of Eric Show" you are missing out! Below is a link to the commentary of the ESPN special, Show's life was certainly a very interesting one and you can't help but feel sorry for him.

Thanks Joe,

This jersey is one of my favorites.

I remember Dawson getting up after the beaning trying to chase Show down. That was a scary sight. Recalled Dawson saying Show was a Headhunter. Saw Eric most of his career. Thought he was the complete opposite of that claim.

Show was a very complex person. Probably too smart for his own good. Tragic end. Was able to briefly speak to him early in his carrier during spring training. Seemed to be a nice guy. . . .