I'm a Hamilton fan. Not a huge die-hard but a fan.

You have a lot of sense in your writing but I saw you key in on money and money just doesn't buy everyone happiness.

He's an addict and he's admitted that. I haven't seen anywhere that he had failed a test but maybe he did. Some people just can't seem to shake that kind of addiction. Sad. But he's definitely not alone.

I personally wish him the best. He's had a few good years after going off a much farther deep end than this recent trip. Maybe he can pull out a few more good years...who knows?

Since you seem to be an Angels fan, you probably take it much harder than a person who is a fan of players. In the rare occasion that my team signs a player and then that player is hurt or whatever reason that they don't perform, I just write it off to the game off baseball. It's out of my control so I just shrug my shoulders and move on.