P.S. - I have ZERO doubt that their are 'fans' of Hamilton that have or will turn on him because this latest issue causes their collection to lose value.

Those aren't real fans of the player, those are bandwagon fans looking to make a buck off the flavor of the day/week/month/year.

For me personally, I lost more respect for Derek Jeter a couple of weeks back than I did for Josh with this relapse.

Josh is a known addict (as you stated) who did what many have been expecting would happen eventually.

Jeter - who I have no doubt will go into the Hall 1st Ballot - has been signing HOF balls under the HOF logo already. To me, that is disrespectful to those who are actually IN the HOF. Show the class you've been known for and wait until you're there. My guess is he's getting paid to do them. If so, then he is about the money. Just sayin'.

Hell, last year at Spring Training, Greg Maddux wouldn't do HOF inscriptions because (as he stated), 'although I have been elected, I have not yet been inducted into the Hall of Fame.'

I'm done now.