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  1. #1
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    Re: Any Josh Hamilton fans here?

    Dan, I think Cincy was a bit more aware of what they faced in keeping Hamilton, so they made the calculated decision to sent him packing. Smart move? Hard to argue no. Are the Angels ownership/management to blame because of their apparent ignorance to addiction problems, and as such now facing a large personnel problem tied to a phat contract unlikely to pay off? Did they do their team severe injustice by signing this guy to a 5-year bonanza contract. In a perfect world, Josh would have posed solid protection for Pujols. But Josh's world has never been perfect, so it was a flawed move from the outset, IMO.

    Smitty (thanks for the welcome back, too), I didn't even get into the family aspect of this saga. This will no doubt cost them severely, emotionally and financially. It's all but a given Josh won't receive payment for his days missed from a now pending suspension. He would have been paid since he will be recovering from recent shoulder surgery, but due to the relapse issue, he now gets a suspension during that shared recovery time, without pay. When you're making $25 MILL a year, that's an OUCHIE on top of an ouchie.

    But wow....where was his wife during his "binge"? You can't "hide" something like that from someone who is familiar with the signs. Does Josh leave his family for lengths of time to enable the opportunity to do these things? Knowing that's a possibility, why wouldn't his family avoid that scenario? What kind of a support mechanism from family (and friends) is that? All she would have had to do was take one look at his pale shiny skin during his "binge" and she would have known there was trouble. But it's JOSH having to come forward, again?

    Then comes the dirt. If she did know, was it the potential loss of money that keep her quiet, thus allowing him to fall further since consequences weren't imposed immediately? I'm just an outside observer asking questions, but he doesn't seem to have safeguards set up to support his efforts to stay clean. And it would appear his wife is either ignorant to the obvious, or has other priorities that rank higher than his personal well-being, like keeping the family income flowing. That's a harsh statement, I know, so in all fairness to her, I don't know what the truth is. For all I know, maybe she is his Rock of Gibraltar, the one who begged him to come forward and deal with the problems head on. That's the crux of this whole mess...addicts lives are unmercifully messy.

    STLHAMMER32, you point out he chose "less "supervision" in regards to an accountability partner that was always at his side in the transition to Los Angeles. In Texas, I think they had a better grasp on his situation and it overall was a better situation for him." I couldn't agree more that Texas was where he should have stayed. Hell, his MANAGER was a coke addict. The whole environment was geared for monitoring and supporting the issues brought about from addiction. He had a sound supportive foundation of "family" around him. we all know about the team accepting non-alcoholic beverages in the clubhouse as they celebrated play-off victories and almost won a World Series. For Josh to walk away from an environment like that is a statement in itself. What KIND of a statement is the question? Was he that irresponsible, or that selfish? Or was Texas just worn out from the necessary baby-sitting routine an addict demands?

    Los Angeles? A mistake no matter HOW you cut it.

    In the world of Professional Sports, the dollars driving it are HUGE. As a result athletes fought for and won the bargaining rights to be hugely over-paid. At the very minimum, the ones with leadership roles on a team should be as close to "baggage free" as possible, shouldn't they? Who's got time to deal with addictions that at any moment can bring down the whole house of cards? In a huge city like L.A., with temptations luring the vulnerable at every street corner in a vast wasteland of celebrities and opportunity for trouble, is THAT where a guy with addiction issues...coupled with an obscene payroll...wants to set up camp? Was the extra few million the Angels lured Josh with from Texas to Los Angeles worth it to him, especially in light of the fact those extra Million are now being largely evaporated to suspension? What about his fan base? What about his legacy once he's done?

    staindsox, I certainly don't mean to kick a guy when he's down. But let's call a spade a spade...Josh Hamilton is a multi-millionaire professional athlete who, STLHAMMER32 pointed out, CHOSE to have less supervision, knowing he's an opportunity for a "quick line" away from being a TRAIN WRECK to the folks who placed GOBS of trust and financial reward upon him. And what about his second "family", his Angels teammates? He let them down in a big way. No surprise, it's a repeat act. He's such an addict he was overdosed on athletic sports drinks to the point they caused severe eye problems, also effecting his performance. How does an addict EVER really play to his potential, no matter what greatness and ability he has, when his potential is constantly under attack from his weaknesses he can't control? When his little transgressions occur. it always seems to be coupled with an "injury" or "issue" (the eyes). Any opportunity of a health issue acts as a convenient excuse to fall from grace? Is his character automatically dwarfed by his addictions? Must be, because where's the allegiance to the ones who put faith in this church-going man?

    If that isn't the definition of a loser, then what is? Addict = loser. Just ask Curt Cobain. Addicts kill themselves because they can't face what their lives become, regardless of how much money they have or fame they've obtained. It's devastating for all involved. We all feel just as badly for the losses they inflict, to themselves, the pain on their families, and the void left from the loss of their greatness, their talent, and what could have been for all of us that cherished them. No one in a family ever wants to hear a doctor say that nasty word, "addiction". It's almost as bad as it gets. Worse, even. It means a life of torture.

    But the "addict" story is tired. We know all that already. Or should.

    So I guess what it comes down to is the owners of these professional sports teams being ignorant to what they are dealing with. Josh Hamilton is one of the most gifted hitters baseball has seen. And the guy is a MESS because he's an addict. Again, I don't want to under-emphasize my best wishes for him going forward. I too liked the man for no other reason than I am a huge baseball fan, and the dude can rake like a son-of-a-gun! I also believe he can "clean-up" and give the Angels some great moments. But the dreaded baggage. Eesch! Man, it's a deal breaker. And there are 29 teams out there "Phew!ing" over the fact it's the Angels problem and not theirs. To always be looking over your shoulder at him, worried about what you'll have tomorrow? That's a steep price to pay for a professional ball club, especially in light of the fact he has already proven the addiction is mightier than his character. And please don't take that wrong, I am not saying he has bad character, I am saying he suffers from a dominating flaw that will inevitably at any given moment...trump it.

    I think it will be a long time before a professional team ever hands out a bonanza contract to any known substance abuser again. It's just a losing proposition and exposes weaknesses an organization would rather not be associated with. Namely, ignorance. The Angels were a contender for winning it all. Are they now, without the services of a solid player in a healthy Josh Hamilton? I don't know, but the ongoing drama of it all sure seems to have HAM-strung the teams chances from the uncertainty.

    And sportsnbikes, for the record, I am a Dodger fan. But it would be cool to see an all-Los Angeles world series one day. Puig vs Trout? Yeah, now we're talkin! All I can say for the Angels is...you have a BIG investment in this man. Do what is necessary to make it successful for the team, and Josh Hamilton as a human being. Place that iron-clad support system around him. The rest will take care of itself.


  2. #2
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    Re: Any Josh Hamilton fans here?

    A baseball arbitrator has ruled that Josh Hamilton will not be suspended and will miss no playing time due to his recent drug related infraction. The Angles front office issued a statement that appeared to be critical of Hamilton and surprised a number of the players. If Hamilton had been suspended the Angles would not have owed him salary for the games he would have missed due to a suspension.

  3. #3
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    Re: Any Josh Hamilton fans here?

    I love how these teams are signing 30 year olds to 10 year $250 million deals and then when it inevitably turns into a crappy contract they want out. What did you think was going to happen on these types of contracts?

  4. #4
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    Re: Any Josh Hamilton fans here?

    There is a report that the Rangers are close to acquiring Hamilton in a trade with the Angles. According to reports, if true, the Angles will eat a substantial part of his salary.

  5. #5
    Senior Member xpress34's Avatar
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    Re: Any Josh Hamilton fans here?

    Quote Originally Posted by cjclong View Post
    There is a report that the Rangers are close to acquiring Hamilton in a trade with the Angles. According to reports, if true, the Angles will eat a substantial part of his salary.
    I read that too. Looks like Angels will eat 'at least' 80% of the guaranteed money owed...



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