In the past, I enjoyed searching for Game Used items, although they were very difficult to find. The search was exciting...buying the item was exciting...and knowing that there just wasn't a lot of game used items out there, made it that more exciting to have it in my collection.

Today, what I like to call "so called game used" items are all over the place. Players have so many game used and signed items flooding the market, it takes away from the excitement (for me at least) of searching hard for that one item you have been looking for to add to your collection. In addition, it decreases the value with so much out there, unless you have that one very rare item.

Don't get me wrong. I still enjoy searching, but I just don't get as excited as in the past because there is just too much out there (and I question if it's really game used).

Personally, I love the older stuff (cards, game used, etc.) and believe they will hold there value than what is manufactured today.