
McGwire used Andro and admitted it. I'm not aware of a single positive test ever being produced that implicates big MAC of using Steroids. Until I see some type of substantiated documented proof, he's still one of the best who has ever played the game-period!

Howard Wolf

Best ever? Please. He did one thing well, hit home runs. 7th all time in HR and and hit one every 10.6 times he was at bat. Other then that what?? Not too much. IF, he gets elected he would have one of the lowets batting averages ever(.263), has only 1,626 hits(would be very low on list), played average defense at first base with 1 gold glove, 12 CAREER stolen bases, sturck out more then 25% of the time he stepped to the plate 1,596 SO to 6,187 AB and was never an MVP.

He admitted to Andro and another over the counter drug that I cannot remember and at the item was legal in baseball and not tested for so he does get a pass there, but where there is smoke there is always fire. Look at how much his body changed during and then after his career ended. Something sure let all the air our of him because he looks nothing like he did when he played except for all the pock marks on his sandpaper face. I know what I saw when he went in frort of Congress and he was a deer in headlights with something to hide. As I heard someone say, only Mobsters go in front of Congress or a jury and pleed the 5th. Or not there to "talk about the past"