Here is a thought that popped in my mind and would like to hear other peoples thoughts.

As we all know when a player passes away his Autographed items take a jump as people all of a sudden place a demand on that persons item.

Here is my question Imagine what a SuperStar of today given they continue there Star status and live to a ripe old age, what would there items be worth????????

Think before answering this question!!!

Example #1 - Cory Lidle (Common Player) - Before he passed away $10 for an autographed ball on ebay / After he passed away hitting up to $300 on ebay. - Value jumped in one day up 2900%

Example #2 - A SuperStar (ARod Pujols McGwire) Costs now in the $150 - $400 range imagine when they pass on.

The autograph community is changing as far as SuperStars signings balls - the point is they hardly do. A Mickey Mantle can go anywhere from $500 - $1000 and he signed all over the place.

Imagine ARod, Pujols, or even your favorite player

Take A Semi Star such as my Fav Strawberry his items hold more value then a common player but not as much as a SuperStar but just to think what his items will jump up to when he passes.