I know exactly what you mean - it's fun doing a little detective work on something like this, and I have done the same sort of thing, myself. At least you have got the "AW" thing to work with - that's less than I sometimes have. I've got quite a few old Phoenix Firebirds team bats, and I've managed to connect one with Bill Mueller, two with Marcus Jensen and on with Mark Leonard, just from the odd number marking or illegible signature.

If I'm reading the manufacture date on this O.H. correctly, it's November of 2014. To me, that means only one thing - ST 2015. If it were my bat, I would first compile the 2015 ST rosters of every MLB team, including of course non-roster invitees, and scan them for the initials "AW". If that doesn't pan out, try finding minor league ST rosters - good luck with that - or start checking 2014 minor league rosters beginning with Triple-A. I know it sounds incredibly tedious, and a lot of guys would say, "Why go to all that trouble to i.d. a ten-dollar bat?" Hey, as far as I'm concerned, that's what makes it a hobby.

I wonder if BMH knows his opposite number over at O.H. and could be on any help.