I have a friend who owns a card store and he gets people trying to sell him stuff all the time. He has purchased some nice things in the past, but this collection is beyond anything I have seen him acquire. Neither of us have a lot of knowledge on vintage game used items, but I told him I knew a place that did, so I am hoping the GUU experts might be able to give some idea on the rarity and possible value of the items in my gallery below.

To give some backstory, the gentleman he purchased these from was the son of a semi-pro baseball coach who also worked for the Orioles organization in the 50's, 60's and early 70's. He said that some of the jerseys were most likely reused in spring training or the minor leagues and that is why the numbers may not match up. I am hoping that someone here might be able to verify this statement.

I do know that one of the jerseys was Hoyt Wilhelm's from 1959.

He also has bats, pants and socks from the same era from the Orioles. In addition to the Orioles gear he also has a full uniform, cleats, and catcher's equipment from the Stafford Braves which is the semi-pro team the father coached. I will be taking pictures of these as well.

I would post all the pictures here directly, but there are about 150, so I felt this way was better.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am headed out to a picnic, but will be back in a few hours in case there are any questions. I can also be reached directly at my gmail address which is toddheadington.

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