Received this from Jim Bowley today:

"Not sure if you bought some of the ALL STAR BP jerseys before or deal with anyone else here, but I assume Nolan Arenado will be named to the All Star team tonight if you would find his ALL STAR worn BP jersey of interest Let me know . Thanks, Jim"

So I responded with this:

"Jim -

Not to be rude, but I'm pretty certain that I asked you and all of the other bozos over there at Highland Mint to take me OFF of your mailing list after I got screwed around and put into a 'blind bidding war' with other customers on a jersey that I had already been offered by you at a $xxx.xx. Then it was $yyy.yy. Then $zzz.zz, etc , etc if I still wanted a shot at the jersey.

I don't care for the way you do business and rest assured that if I receive another email from a 'highland mint' rep, I will be reporting you for Spam and Harassment.

Now, DELETE me - PERMANENTLY - from your files.

Good Day!

P.S. - the fact that you're own statement claims you don't even know if I have bought from you before or if I've dealt with anyone else there proves that you guys don't give a shit about the individual anyway or you would have remembered our previous exchanges."

I just don't want anyone to forget the little secret 'bidding wars' their reps get everyone into (Stanton's ASG Jersey ring any bells?) and to remind you that even if you asked them not to contact you again (which I had done), they ignore it and contact you anyway.

End of rant.