Quote Originally Posted by Chris78 View Post
Did not go this year and it was a very tough decision. I saw that if I attended and bought the two Jim Palmer sessions I would normally buy, Zach Britton must have cancelled because he was scheduled in one of them. For their free promo line, did they give away any bobbleheads this year? It appeared they may have based on a photo I saw on the Orioles Facebook page.

I decided to do the much longer drive to Pittsburgh this year for Piratefest since I wanted to get Bill Mazeroski and Dave Parker. I do not believe Mazeroski has been at Piratefest since 2010 and Jim Palmer seems to be at the Orioles Fanfest every year. The Pirates pricing for game used is too high although I did buy some lineup cards that were marked $25 before tax. It sounded like the Orioles Fanfest would have been better for game used and also for the free promo stuff.

Thanks to anyone who can answer my question in the first paragraph.

Britton did cancel his appearance (wherever he was, he was snowed in)....They did give away a Bobblehead, however I couldn't tell you which one(s) they did however (the line for the giveways was very long)...