i dont have my bat that was rejected by PSA anymore (it is back with juan), but it was a LVS natural flame treated harper rookie year bat with minimal use. when i sent it back to juan, it had the PSA sticker on the barrel top, which i am assuming will be removed if he attempts to resell it. he told me to send it to mears after PSA rejected it, and offered to pay for it. i could not in good faith do that. if someone was offered or recently purchased a similar bat directly from him or a third party that had one of his letters, i would be glad to take a look and try to see if it was the one i had (there was one white scuff mark on the barrel that i think i would remember if i saw again).

i will also note that i did purchase a bat from juan that did pass PSA. as taube told me when i asked him why my bat did not pass, "have to take the good with the bad".