Hey Everyone,
Hope we aren't all freezing to death! In the next day or so, I will be examining a 1995 or 96 Kordell Stewart home Steelers jersey ( I can't remember the year). I met a dealer a few months ago at a card show who had a handfull of Steelers gamers from the late 90's in his inventory ( no big names just commons). When he said that was just a sample of his inventory I asked if he had a Kordell Stewart and he said he thought he did, just needed to check his inventory. I got a call today saying he tracked down the jersey so I will be taking a look at it probably in the next day or two. Does anyone know what to look for as far as Steelers jerseys from that era go? He mentioned that it was a home Starter jersey from I believe '95 but since it's been so busy at work today I wasn't able to talk long. If anyone could tell me what to possibly look for as potential Steelers game worn jerseys from that era, that would be great. A Steelers Stewart jersey has been an item I've been trying to track down for years, but I want to make sure I make a responsible purchase not just buy on a whim.
