The Cubs are by far the longest continuously-operating franchise in a single city in professional sports. They began play in 1871, ironically named the White Stockings. ( No connection with the later-formed White Sox.) They lost a couple of early years due to the fire, so the Braves, who also started in 1871, are the longest-running franchise. But the Braves, who were ironically named the Boston Red Stockings, have moved twice. (And they're not connected with the later-formed Red Sox.)

Both the Braves' and the Cubs' franchises were charter members of the NL when it was formed in 1876. The Cincinnati Red Stockings of 1869 are NOT the longest-running prpfessional franchise, despite their claims. The Cincinnatti Base Ball Club disbanded its professional team in 1870. Part of that team then moved to Boaton, which formed a new and separate franchise that have played since, and are today's Braves. The only claim Cincinnatti can make is that their 1869 team inspired the modern names of three teams.