Quote Originally Posted by coxfan View Post
My wife and I are retired baby-boomers on medicare, but we were both infants when the Indians last won the Series. Neither of us was born when the Cubs last won the pennant. And none of our four parents were born when the Cubs last won the Series.

These are great times for baseball, even if some of the "dynasty" lovers still boycott the TV coverage of the Series. Baseball's discovering what the NFL learned long ago: that parity's great. That's why all NFL fans watch the Super Bowl regardless of what teams are in. Hopefully all baseball fans will finally learn to watch the Series. Personally, I've seen every Series since 1957.
Whatever group of fans who want to ignore the games based on no dynasty teams bein involved will be dwarfed by the legions of fans and casual fans who know that, either way, something YUGE is gonna happen here. When all is said and done, I personally think that this will be the highest rated World Series in terms of TV viewership ever.

Dave M.