Let me know if you have a specific question about a book and its dust jacket. I've been collecting baseball books since 1989, so I've seen a number of surprises where people thought "no dust jacket" but one is subsequently discovered. While the presence of a dust jacket can be noted from a listing on www.abebooks.com, many dealers there will state definitively "no dj issued", but are simply wrong.

Aside from checking on-line sources, auction catalogues and the like, I often look for advertisements in old magazines--sometimes they will picture the book with or without a dj, or describe it.

One of my (long term--very) projects is to get a scan of all pre-WWII baseball books and dust jackets to set up on my web site. If anyone wants more details, shoot me an email at art@ettinger.ca or weder@shaw.ca I've got a large number of images from my own collection and a number from other collectors, but there are always more I am looking for.

Hope this helps.


I also noted Joe's affinity for Cornell in the great pictures of his memorabilia room; thought you might enjoy the dust jacket of this (non-baseball) 1922 book on Cornell rowing