Hello Sammy,

I just got off the phone with Justin who just spoke with Premier Auctions. It seems your email was sent to Premier this morning and Premier had not yet had the opportunity to verify the information or respond. Thus, given the claims in the post, it was deleted until a clarification could be made.

Notably, the item has been removed from the auction. When I spoke to Justin he assured me they have no intention of having collectors purchase suspect merchandise nor are they trying to conceal anything. They just needed an opportunity to evaluate your claims. As a result of the information you provided, they pulled the item to make sure it wasn't sold given the potential issues. And, once their research is completed, they will be the first to admit if they made a mistake in the authentication.

Fortunately, your research has prevented a potentially bogus item from making it to a collector. For that, I think you deserve a big "thank you". BTW, Justin mentioned he appreciated this as well.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions.

Chris Cavalier