My wonderful wife and I recently had our 47th anniversary. We learned early in our marriage to give each other space and time for our respective hobbies.

I'll add that I object, in general, to calling a hobby "childish." Kids do almost everything adults do. Chess is a great children's game from age 8 up. (Just try that out on your kids if you don't know that! The US Chess Federation recently had a kid's tournament with over 5700 players. All four of my grandsons, ages 6-8 love playing chess- at their level of course.) Does that make adult chess a "child's" activity? Little girls play dress-up. Does that make adult fashion-shopping a "child's" activity?

The collecting of game-used items is akin to any kind of collecting (stamps, coins, old magazines, old recipe books, ad infinitum). But popular prejudice against game-used collecting as a "childish" activity contributes to a culture in which fraud in game-used is not taken as seriously by society as fraud in other areas, such as art.