Quote Originally Posted by gobills123 View Post
Man! If someone peed in your coffee, all you need to do is dump it out and pour a new cup!
If its a lack of a sense of humor - I'd suggest finding one or it'll be a long tough life. You seem REALLY mad - so maybe thats the issue.
Is it easier for you to call people Trolls rather than REREAD what YOU posted?
I thought it was funny the way you worded it and simply pointed it out.
If thats too heavy for you, maybe you shouldnt be posting on a message board.
Did I once say or imply that your advice wasnt helpful?
Aside from being simply common sense (which I'll give you the benefit of the doubt b/c you know what they say about common sense) your suggestions I'm sure were/are appreciated.
Lighten up and keep your keyboard warrior troll accusations to yourself.
Its a serious thread - I get it.... a slight reprieve from the seriousness isnt a bad thing.
Gee Wizz man, lighten up!!! :/
Still nothing to add? Sorry, I fail to find humor in someone having their property stolen. Apparently you've never been a victim of such a crime. I assure you once you have your tune will change when it comes to adding content to a related thread.

[QUOTE=Juicyfruit66;409263Cameras on front porch or back porch or all over street won't help once it's gone. Unless buddy was wearing no hoody, no sun glasses, perfect lighting, AND the police recognize him. You'd need a perfect storm. All security cameras do is let the vuctim watch a rerun of their theft while they shake their fust at the screen and shout " you bastard!"[/QUOTE]

This couldn't be further from the truth. Perfect lighting? Nearly every security/IP camera has IR lighting which gives a nice quality low light video as long as you don't buy a cheap model. Hoodies, glasses and all the related paraphernalia the movies portray criminals wearing at all times is rarely the case. You see that draws unwanted attention to someone who doesn't want attention while in a neighborhood setting in the middle of the day (which would be the case if you're stealing someones mail). Do you think these cameras are noticeable? I've had one for 3 years now and my postman had no clue until we had a conversation the other day about you guessed it, stolen parcels. It doesn't just catch footage of the person but the entire street so their vehicle can also be recorded. To each their own but I'm pretty amazed people think of these as more of a novelty than a solid deterrent to would be criminals.