Good work guys!
I admit, I was just looking at what was there in re: to tell tale knock-off signs rather than what the tag 'SHOULD' look like.
This may appear lazy on my behalf... but I just couldnt fathom someone going to the trouble to 'fake' a game issued shirt so it didnt even occur to me until CB4Evr thought the tags might be added and fishy.
I took a look at this which is obviously 'authentic' albeit 'retail' and although this is a game used board, it didnt click that the OP was asking in the context 'is this a legit' gamer- rather than is this a knockoff or not knockoff.
In that sense I dont think I was wrong, but admittedly missed the boat on what was actually being asked.
I usually stick to 80's and 90's stuff as thats what in my wheel house as I dont collect new-ish gamers.
I just took the question as a simple 'real' or 'knockoff' rather than 'real' or 'fake' and answered accordingly.
I'm sorry, and hope it didnt cause any issues!