
Howard and Bobby are correct in that many of the photos on Getty's can only be purchased by organizations for publications, ads, in-house corporate newsletters, etc. I am in the process of opening up an account. The pricing differs depending on quite a few criteria. Ex. How will the photo be used?, How long do you want permission to use the photo? How many copies will your organization make. I can give you an example on pricing. I am purchasing the rights to a couple of photos so I can enlarge them and put them in my corporate office. The cost to purchase the rights is $220.00 US. This right allows me to print off 1 photo (20x30) and that is it. I cannot make additional photos and I do not have the rights to sell the photo period. If so, I would be in a world of litigation. So the total cost to put one photo in my corporate office in roughly $285.00 US as this includes a $65.00 from my marketing/printing company that I use.

If I can be of any other assistance please email me at


Mark Weimerskirch
Risk Solutions International
1330 Avenue of the Americas, 36th Floor
New York, NY 10019
212.842.1587 office
313.354.3904 cell