Getty Images

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    Getty Images

    Getty Images...?

    November 13 2005 at 2:17 PM G.Todd (Login 33bird)

    Was wondering if anybody knows if you can buy single prints of pictures from Getty Images? Or are all their pictures for marketing? There are a couple of Larry Bird pictures I would like to have from them, but I couldn't find a way to purchase them. Thanks for your help.


    Chris Wilson
    (Login SDteams)
    Getty Images

    November 14 2005, 12:20 AM

    I recently contacted Getty Images about purchasing several pictures from their archives. Unless you represent another media source, they really don't want to deal with you. They will, however, sell you the photo(s) you desire if you are willing to buy,let's say,100 or so copies of the same photo.
    This was my experience. Perhaps you should contact G/I yourself and see what they have to say. GOOD LUCK!


    (Login drcycleb)
    Re: Getty Images

    November 14 2005, 3:32 AM
    Getty and Corbis are in the business of supply images to newspapers, magazines and books, so you pretty much have to be a publisher to get the big clear images. They are like Associated Press and UPI. If they knew how much game used collectors used their searches, they might not be so exclusive.
    (Login both-teams-played-hard)

    November 14 2005, 12:16 PM
    Anybody ever use photoshop to remove a Getty watermark from a photo?

    (Login swoboda4)

    November 14 2005, 12:30 PM
    No-I haven't,but from looking at both Getty and Corbis' watermark it would appear to be easier to photoshop Corbis.

    (Login otismalibu)
    SI Pictures

    November 14 2005, 1:04 PM
    I asked them about purchasing pics and they quoted me $400 for a 16x20.

    (Login both-teams-played-hard)
    Re: Watermark

    November 14 2005, 1:10 PM
    Getty recently added to their watermark, making it larger and more difficult to alter. They realize folks steal their images and many photos have extra logos as watermarks (ie NBA logo), and different companies who own the images. Corbis' watermark is much, much lighter, but larger and harder to remove. I've heard that the "original" watermark that said "gettyimages" could be removed on photoshop with a little patience...this is the only watermark on many vintage photos...recent photos ALL have detailed watermarks that are difficult to alter.

    This activity is illegal and I do not endorse altering copywritten images.

    G. Todd
    (Login 33bird)
    Other image sites?

    November 14 2005, 4:35 PM
    Who, besides Gettys and Corbis, is a good site to find sports pictures? Is there any others out there (besides google and yahoo seaches)? Let me know. thanks.

    (Login both-teams-played-hard)
    A must for Basketball Fans!

    November 14 2005, 5:21 PM
    All from the same photographer...prints are available at a reasonable price.

    G. Todd
    (Login 33bird)
    Any others..

    November 14 2005, 5:29 PM
    that's a great site for the 1970s. What about for the 1980's NBA or pro sports in general? LMK. Thanks.
  • beantown
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 748

    Getty Images

    Hello...I know many collectors use Getty Images to reference player photos, however, I can't seem to get the thumbnail images to load into a larger I doing something wrong?


    • LEGEND33
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2005
      • 461

      Re: Getty Images

      hello from Italy,
      same problem with the thumbnail for about 3 weeks, now is all OK....!!!???
      and i still don't know why,


      • BULBUS
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 1123

        Getty Images

        Hi, can someone please instruct me on how to download images from I created an account, put pictures in my cart, but that is as far as I got. Nothing happens when I click on calculate price. When I click on help, nothing happens as well. What am I doing wrong????


        NY Giants, NY Yankees, Don Mattingly, Mattingly brand bats (any player)
        donnie23fan at


        • gameused
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 1912

          Re: Getty Images


          On Getty I think you have to have a corporate account and belong to a newspaper or other publication group. It would be great if collectors could purchase photos from getty.



          • hblakewolf
            • Nov 2005
            • 1870

            Re: Getty Images

            MeiGray has an agreement with Getty, allowing individual photos to be purchased. I have no idea how much they are, or the specific details, however, I suggest contacting the folks at MeiGray to find out.

            hope this helps.

            Howard Wolf


            • weimerskirch
              • Jan 2006
              • 58

              Re: Getty Images


              Howard and Bobby are correct in that many of the photos on Getty's can only be purchased by organizations for publications, ads, in-house corporate newsletters, etc. I am in the process of opening up an account. The pricing differs depending on quite a few criteria. Ex. How will the photo be used?, How long do you want permission to use the photo? How many copies will your organization make. I can give you an example on pricing. I am purchasing the rights to a couple of photos so I can enlarge them and put them in my corporate office. The cost to purchase the rights is $220.00 US. This right allows me to print off 1 photo (20x30) and that is it. I cannot make additional photos and I do not have the rights to sell the photo period. If so, I would be in a world of litigation. So the total cost to put one photo in my corporate office in roughly $285.00 US as this includes a $65.00 from my marketing/printing company that I use.

              If I can be of any other assistance please email me at


              Mark Weimerskirch
              Risk Solutions International
              1330 Avenue of the Americas, 36th Floor
              New York, NY 10019
              212.842.1587 office
              313.354.3904 cell


              • kellsox
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2006
                • 904

                getty question

                I'm fairly new to the game used bat hobby but a regular reader of the forum. My question is regarding the getty images website. How can I make the smaller images larger. When I try to click on any of the links for a particular image, nothing happens. Any help is appreciated. kelly


                • pietraynor
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 463

                  Re: getty question

                  Did you try double clicking on the image? Works for me.


                  • BULBUS
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 1123

                    Re: getty question

                    i have the same problem at home, but at work i can click on them and they enlarge in a pop up window. maybe it has something to do with the pop up settings. i dont know???

                    NY Giants, NY Yankees, Don Mattingly, Mattingly brand bats (any player)
                    donnie23fan at


                    • kellsox
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2006
                      • 904

                      Re: getty question

                      Thanks for the help. I emailed Getty and they called me shortly after. I tried to turn off my explorer/google popup blocker and I was still having problems. What they suggested was to turn off the popup blocker on Norton Internet Security. This worked- I am still able to keep my explorer/google blocker on w/o any problems.


                      • gameusedfan
                        Junior Member
                        • Jan 2006
                        • 28

                        Question regarding Getty Images

                        I was wondering how you can "buy" images from GI, Corbis, etc. I have some game worns and would like to include pictures of that particular player wearing my jersey. The pictures would be small and would not be distributed. I did a dry run to find out how much a picture would cost and Getty came back with a charge of $220 with the assumption i would be using the picture for mass print. This question does not just relate to GI, but for all similar services. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks.



                        • kylehess10
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2006
                          • 3100

                          Re: Question regarding Getty Images

                          $220? That's it? When I tried to buy a photo they wanted $1800,lol

                          My Game Used Collection:



                          • brianborsch
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2005
                            • 1704

                            Re: Question regarding Getty Images

                            Yeah, how did you get it to be just $220? Please let me know the exact options you selected because my request came out to like $2200. Ridiculous I tell ya. I tried to write them to explain what I want and why, asking them for a price. And this is what I don't understand, I got no response! I mean ifyou are a business, you would think you would respond if someone is inquiring to buy a product. Anyways, they suck.


                            • kylehess10
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2006
                              • 3100

                              Re: Question regarding Getty Images

                              You can still "save picture as" but the getty images logo will just be over the photo.

                              My Game Used Collection:


