If that is the case that they intentionally blocked or deactivated your account for the sole purposes of not wanting to hear your legitimate concerns, then that is unbelieveable. You would think they would want to know in order to maintain a good reputation.
Word of mouth is a powerful tool. Don't people realize that the more they do these type things, word gets around. It is really worth making a few dollars up front, to only find yourself not being able to sell much later.
I think there are just to many people who jumped into this hobby only to make a dollar. They lack knowledge, experience, and most of all, they just don't care. How they sleep at night I'll never understand.
Sellers should be responsible to ensure they know what they have and what they are selling. Although the buyer should do their homework (which I just learned myself), it should mainly be the sellers responsibility to ensure what they are selling is legit. Too many excuses these days.
Hope it isn't what you think it might be. If so, then this again just confirms how much I''m beginning to not trust anyone in this hobby.
Keep us posted.