No problem George--- C243 was a popular model with Rice...His first order of the model was 11/5/76 (35 in / 34 oz)...

In the 1977-79 label period, there were numerous orders of C243 and C243C in lengths of 35, 35 1/2, and 36 inches through mid-1979. Then, in June 1979 Rice began ordering C243 and R206 models in 34 1/2 inch length. Here are the specific orders that match the length of your bat during that label period:

6/11/79 C243 34 1/2 in / 34 oz wax finish wide grain 12 bats
7/6/79 C243 34 1/2 in / 34 oz wax finish wide grain 12 bats

It looks like your bat can be pretty specifically dated to the mid-1979 season.

Good Luck.
