Quote Originally Posted by cjclong View Post
Wanted to say I appreciated the way Mark ran the ebay auction. He gave notice so if someone wanted to report the gloves as stolen they would have an opportunity. Also felt we were given the infromation available that allowed us to make our own judgments. I bid on the gloves, but obviously I was up against somoeone with deep pockets who wanted the gloves.
I been talking to Mark prior to and throughout his auction. He's a class act! He wanted to ensure that if these gloves were stolen, whether from Arod, the Yankees, someones collection, he wanted to return the gloves to who owned them. He stressed a lot over those gloves and really didn't want them out there until he was 100% sure and also for the potential buyers piece of mind.

It's stories like these that we all deam of happening to us. Mark not only did a classy thing, but he put a little more faith in me that not everything is about the all mighty dollar.

He a great example of what a person is who has high morales, integrity, and values!

Mark, as we say in the Navy...BRAVO ZULU to you!

I also bid on one of the arod gloves. However, I knew my $3,200 bid wouldn'tcut the mustard! Oh well. I only hope the buyer comes though!

All my best, Tony